Sunderland Pit


ProgressIVE Rehabilitation Award

The Progressive Rehabilitation Award recognizes the ongoing efforts of individual operators to progressively rehabilitate their sites in accordance with their site plans.

CBM Aggregates - A Division of Votorantim Cimentos
Township of Brock


Rehabilitation on the Sunderland Pit floor took place between September 2018 and December 2018 with the goal of grading the floor and naturalizing the site’s slopes leading to nearby water features. In total, 5,000 cubic metres of overburden were used to grade the pit floor. During this time, a 3:1 slope was created towards the existing water features, and 9,000 cubic metres of material was spread over the pit floor to a minimum thickness of 100 mm.


An Added Touch

The site was then seeded with a seed mix consisting of annual rye, white clover, buckwheat, alfalfa, crown vetch, perennial rye, and tall fescue at a rate of 125 kg per hectare (600 kg total). As an added touch, crews distributed available wood debris along the pond shorelines to create future wildlife habitat