Harrington 2 Pit


ProgressIVE Rehabilitation Award

The Progressive Rehabilitation Award recognizes the ongoing efforts of individual operators to progressively rehabilitate their sites in accordance with their site plans.

CBM Aggregates - A Division of Votorantim Cimentos
Township of ZORRA


Harrington 2 Pit’s rehabilitation initiative was launched to transform 1.5 hectares of land into agricultural use. The effort began in July 2019 with site contouring and the placement of approximately 25,000 cubic metres of overburden. After contouring the overburden, crews spread topsoil taken from the northern portion of the pit over the rehabilitated area to a thickness of 30 to 40 centimetres.



Next, the area was seeded with a grass legume mix in fall 2019. In spring 2020, the rehabilitated section was planted with 30 kilograms of corn and supported with 225 kilograms of fertilizer. Looking ahead, the Harrington 2 Pit plans to conduct soil testing in winter 2021 to assess the site’s nutrient requirements and take steps to improve yield.