Cannington Pit


Progressive Rehabilitation Award

The Progressive Rehabilitation Award recognizes the ongoing efforts of individual operators to progressively rehabilitate their sites in accordance with their site plans.

CBM Aggregates - A Division of Votorantim Cimentos
Township of Brock


Accomplishing Goals

The goal of Cannington Pit’s latest rehabilitation project was to convert the site’s 2.5-hectare east shoreline into a 3:1 side slope that directs water into the eastern portion of the site’s existing pond. Work was carried out from August 2019 to September 2019. This work included placing and grading subsoil and spreading 5,000 cubic metres of topsoil over the east side to an average depth of six to eight inches.


Seeding and PLanting

The rehabilitated area was then seeded with a 812.50kg mix of annual rye, buckwheat, alfalfa, white clover, perennial rye, grass, tall fescue, creeping red fescue, phlox, Russell lupines and Iceland poppy. Finally, the site partnered with Ethic Tree Creations in spring 2020 to plant 8,411 trees, including willow, dogwood, cedar and tamarack.