Brighton Pit


ProgressIVE Rehabilitation Award

The Progressive Rehabilitation Award recognizes the ongoing efforts of individual operators to progressively rehabilitate their sites in accordance with their site plans.

CBM Aggregates - A Division of Votorantim Cimentos
Town of Brighton

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Grading and Drainage

In October 2019, Brighton Pit completed work on its seven-hectare rehabilitation project. The initiative started in April 2017 with Behan Construction grading and shaping the existing overburden in the distributed area to create to a 3:1 slope that supports surface water drainage towards the site’s pond.

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Soil Management

Existing overburden was then applied and graded over the floor of the former plant area and haul road, and approximately 2,500 cubic metres of topsoil taken from onsite storage berms was distributed over the area at a minimum thickness of six inches. After the topsoil was applied, crews applied 875 kilograms of seed at a rate of 125 kg per hectare.